Chinese Ambassador Zou Xiaoli Attends "Happy Spring Festival" Wu Opera Performance
2017-01-27 00:51
On January 23, a marvelous Wu Opera show was given by the celebrated Zhejiang Wu Opera Troupe in the Pantheon Theatre of Athens. Chinese Ambassador Mr. Zou Xiaoli and the Greek Minister of Culture Ms. Lydia Koniordou watched the performance together, joined by a large audience comprising many members of the Chinese community and Greeks.
The theatrical group's performance offered a panorama of traditional Chinese art forms, representing a fusion of music, dance, and acrobatics, as well as some truly unique acts that defy and transcend traditional genre categorizations, such as the intriguing art of bian lian or face-changing, whose secrets remain closely guarded by its performers. The show was performed in Chinese, with running text commentary and translations on the individual acts in both Chinese and Greek. The audience greatly enjoyed the dexterous martial arts acrobatics, the delicate singing and stylized dancing and were impressed by the performers' bright and colorful costumes, often breaking into applause in the middle of individual acts; everyone laughed at the comical routines and appreciated the skill and talents of the Chinese artistes. Listening to Chinese musical instruments playing the Greek song "Children of Piraeus" was a truly exciting experience that rounded off the performance at an emotional highpoint.
After the show, the Ambassador joined the troupe on stage to congratulate them for their spectacular show and was photographed with the guests of honor. He expressed his excitement, saying that he felt proud and encouraged by the Troupe's innovative approach to and promotion of this 500-year-old art form that has imparted on it considerable and brilliant novel artistic beauty. He pointed out that innovation has reinvigorated both Art and our country's growth, bringing vitality in our cooperation with other countries. He said that Zhejiang Wu Opera Troupe did not only relieve the Chinese community's nostalgia for their native language, but also acted as an overture to the China-Greece Cultural Exchanges and Cultural Industry Cooperation Year, in the context of which invaluable opportunities will arise for our two ancient civilizations to join hands and enhance our cultural dialogue and exchanges.
The Greek Minister spoke very highly of the performance. She thanked the Troupe for opening up a window through which the Greek audience can learn more about China's splendid culture. Ms. Koniordou said that Greek Ministry of Culture is keen to work closely with the Chinese side to render the Greece-China Cultural Year a complete success and a testament to the deepening friendship between our two peoples.