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Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qin Gang's Remarks on China's Position on FMCT
2006-03-29 00:00

Q: Over the past years, China has made great efforts to promote the course of multilateral arms control and non-proliferation. Can you tell us China's position on the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty?

A: China has all along supported the conclusion of the FMCT through negotiation at an early date, and vigorously committed itself to pushing the early launch of the negotiation on the basis of a comprehensive and balanced working plan at the Conference on Disarmament. We believe that this is an important step that helps push forward the course of multilateral nuclear disarmament. At present, the international community is committed to upholding and strengthening the international non-proliferation regime. The early conclusion of the FMCT through negotiation has great significance for reducing risks of proliferation of nuclear materials.

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